DBMS Study Centre: Empowering Young Minds in Mambakkam, Sriperambudur

DBMS has recently launched a brand new study centre in Mambakkam, Sriperambudur. This incredible initiative was spearheaded by Mr. Sylvester, a dedicated member of our staff, who wholeheartedly believes in the transformative power of education.

At this study centre, we are providing essential tuition support to 30 migrant children from the local community. We understand that many of these children face unique challenges due to their circumstances, such as being at risk of dropping out of school. That’s why we have tailored our programme to cater specifically to their needs.

In order to accommodate different schedules and obligations, we offer both morning and evening tuitions. It is heartening to see that nearly 12 drop-out children have chosen to attend the morning sessions, while others attend in the evening. By providing them with focused academic guidance, we hope to ignite a renewed passion for learning and empower them with the knowledge they need for a brighter future.

We officially opened our doors on 18th September 2023, and since then, we have witnessed tremendous progress among the children attending our study centre. With the support of dedicated educators and mentors, they are not only comprehending their lessons better but also developing a genuine love for learning.

Moreover, our efforts extend beyond just academic support. We strongly believe that every child deserves an education and are actively working towards motivating non-school-going children in the community to join formal schooling as well. By fostering a nurturing environment within our study centre, we aim to instill confidence and inspire these young minds towards realizing their full potential.

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