A time with Bosco Migrant Service, Chennai
26 February, 2025

Three deacons from Province of Dimapur pen down their experiences of time with Bosco Migrant Service ( BMS), Chennai . The sojourn with BMS led to the lives of many migrant workers in and around Chennai.
The migrants travel length and breadth to reach part of the country look for the job opportunities. Chennai is one of the hotspot destinations as it houses number of manufacturing industries, construction sites, hospitality sectors and other avenues. Migrants in sites are more in need of assistance. BMS comes in to assists in ways viable. Our experience with BMS saw us various centres of the activities. The first hand experience with migrants shed light to the plight. Factory workers and construction sites often live in a situation of survival. The BMS acts as a bridging body. It comes to rescue the migrants in possible ways. It helps the migrants to connect the government and the culture. It provides holistic development to the workers. It is a kind of moral support in need. It touches all aspects of human growth of the workers. The days with BMS reaches to the homes of migrant workers. We witnessed living conditions, listened to the status, and talked to them. The need of the people is not only work but also care and concern about the welfare. Though BMS's outreach is limited it brings smile to the people which we believe will continue to spread.
There are numbers of workers from North East India in Chennai. Ranging from salesperson, hospitality staff, security guard, beauty parlour spa etc. are dotted with workers from North East. The working conditions also in general is not appreciative. The working hours are long. The rented place to stay which are not so conducive. Priority is given to work alone and other interets are kept aside. Spiritual needs are neglected as often and do not get off day on Sundays. Migrants are sometimes subjected to exploitation by the landlords and the employers. BMS in some ways come to rescue them by raising voices for them, this carries on the ministry of Don Bosco for the poor. Besides, BMS is making effort to provide help to the victim state of Manipur.
There are slum dwellers who have been rehabilated and some are on the process of being rehabilitated. BMS reaches out to them through education, awareness programmes and other various other interventions.
Being in ministry demands dedicated service that surpasses any claim of reward. On the other hand, it requires the spirit of the Holy Father, shepherds with the smell of sheep.