Summer Camp

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Don Bosco migrant service had organized the summer camp for the migrant people. Who have come from different places and residing in Chennai. This camp cattered to many students who are very poor. The summer camp occurred in different places. There were six hundred and twenty students who participated the camp. All the students had come from different night schools which are being organized by Don Bosco migrant service.

This camp was organized by brothers Sathish and Rock Valenstine. It was guided by Fr. Simolin the director of migrant ministry and Fr. Lourdhu the assistant director. We were able to organize the camp for six hundred and twenty students who were very poor, Marginalized and left out from the society. We animated the camp for the people who have migrated to Chennai and living in different places. Particularly we organized for people who have come from Odisa. Though we didn’t know the language of theirs we adapt ourselves to their cultures and learned some basic words in order to organize them more meaning fully and actively. And also the days were very less but we created the impact in them as much as we could. We were also glad to see increasing of the number day by day. There were twenty night school teachers and volunteers who assisted us to organize the camp peacefully. And they were fully with us and helping us to conduct games and competition.