Report on the Introductory Meeting for Trade Union Formation at Kannagi Nagar Night School

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An introductory meeting was held at Kannagi Nagar Night School to initiate discussions about the formation of a trade union for unorganized workers in the locality. The meeting focused on educating attendees about the benefits of forming a union and leveraging governmental schemes to support their livelihoods.

Approximately 15 women attended the meeting, demonstrating interest in the proposed union.

Mr.Gopal introduced the concept of forming a local trade union and its potential benefits for unorganized workers in Kannagi Nagar.

Bro. Praveen elaborated on the various governmental schemes available to union members and explained how these could be leveraged to improve their economic and social standing.


The meeting was supported by active participation from Bro. Praveen, Bros. Ronald, Amit, and Robin, who also contributed to the discussions and clarified any queries raised by the attendees.

The primary objective of the meeting was to motivate the attendees to understand the importance of forming a union, encouraging them to join and actively participate in its establishment. The speakers emphasized the role of the union in securing better working conditions, wages, and rights for the workers.

At the end of the meeting, the organizers collected the names and contact details of all attendees for follow-up and further engagement in the union formation process.

The meeting marked a successful first step towards establishing a trade union for unorganized workers in Kannagi Nagar. It served to inform and motivate the women in the community, ensuring that they are well-prepared to take part in the unionization process. Further meetings and engagement activities will be planned to solidify this initiative.