Jeevan Nirman Program

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Dr. John Arokiaraj’s leadership has played a pivotal role in the success of the Jeevan Nirman Program. His expertise and experience have guided the program towards impactful outcomes.

Field Accompaniment and Decision-Making Fr. Simolin’s quick decision-making and on-field accompaniment have been instrumental in executing the program efficiently. His handson approach has contributed to the success of the initiatives.

Resource Persons’ Support

Sr. Punitha and Fr. Lourdhu’s continued support as resource persons has strengthened the program, providing valuable insights and expertise in addressing the needs of the migrant population.

Major Achievement with Caritas India

The recent accomplishment involved the successful organization of a 3-hour program in collaboration with Caritas India, targeting over 500 migrants in the CMRL L&T Project. The program focused on raising awareness about health and hygiene, incorporating an engaging mime performance.

Active Participation

Ten brothers from Kavarapettai Don Bosco Theologate and MSW interns from Sacred Heart College, MSSW actively participated, contributing to the diversity and richness of the program.

Active Participation

L&T, the project host, expressed appreciation for the program, acknowledging the impact it had on the participants. The engaging mime performance was particularly well-received

Future Collaborations

Discussions are underway for a potential CSR collaboration with L&T, spearheaded by Dr. John Arokiaraj and Fr. Simolin. This demonstrates the program’s positive influence and its potential for broader partnerships.


DiscussionsI extend my sincere gratitude to Caritas India for entrusting me with the responsibility of leading this initiative. Special thanks to Dr. John Arokiaraj for his professional approach and guidance, which has been instrumental in achieving the program’s success.


The success of the Jeevan Nirman Program in Chennai, especially the recent achievement with Caritas India and the CMRL L&T Project, showcases the program’s effectiveness in addressing the needs of migrant workers.