Extending help to Manipur migrants
27 September, 2024

One of St John Bosco’s main objectives was the education of young people. Thus the Salesian Province of India-Chennai has taken proactive measures to help young students in the State of Manipur, whose education has been affected by the ongoing unrest in the State. On 10 September, 27 young people from Manipur arrived in Chennai and were admitted to various Salesian institutes, to resume their studies and prepare for admission to universities. Don Bosco Lourdusamy, INM Provincial, welcomed them with a message of hope and with the promise that they will find the best education n Chennai's schools and all the tools to start over and pursue their goals. Fr Joseph Leo, Rector of SURABI, and Fr Simolin, Head of the Don Bosco Migrant Services, supervised the process and ensured that the students had easy access to their new educational environment.