Honourable Mayor
Greater Chennai Corporation
Rippon Building
Chennai 600 003
Respected City Health Officer,
Sub: Delayed wages of Rs.3,30,000/- for 10 Manipuri female labourers – working in
Angel Spa – 2,Selvarangarajan St, Little Mount Saidapet Chennai-15- for the Month
of June and July 15 th 2022 – Petition regd.
We, 10 of us from Manipur, 4 Tamilians, were working in Angel Spa, 2, Selvarangarajan Street, Little Mount, Saidapet, Chennai -15, from the year 2021 and 2022 for the agreed salary listed below. The owner of the Angel Spa is Mr. Mohan, mobile number is 9500038022. All are therapists who did the therapy job, some were asked to do also housekeeping job in Mambalam and Little mount Spa places. Our monthly payment date is 10 th of every month. Daily our working time is from 10am to 10pm. Some others also do in shift timings – 10am to 7pm, 1pm to 10pm. We have been also forced to do housekeeping work which we were not agreed to. There were no ID cards given for job, only the manager writes our daily attendance and also in and out timings of record. Manager only receives the money and submits to the owner. Salary is paid sometimes with the cash available with the manager and also by GPay by the owner. When we were appointed owner received our
Certificates and Xerox of the Aadhar Card. Many times the salary was not given fully, received in instalments. As you know we have been finding it difficult to live with the minimum salary received to eke out our livelihood. On July 3 rd , 2022, we were very hungry. Some of us wanted to eat, there were no customer,
and Mr. Mohan abused and shouted in words which were not gentle, while talking itself raised his hand to beat the workers. He asked us to stop eating and continue the work by force. This incident made all of us (14 female labourers) to quit the job demanding to pay the full salary and assured our return to work.
After this incident Mr. Victor (9940572883), the manager who was absent on July 3 rd, compromised all the female workers and assured the payment and apologized for indecent behavior by the management. Owner Mr. Mohan also promised us that he will pay the full salary and accordingly we, 9 and 4 tamlians joined back for the job. Again on July 10 th 2022, Mr. Mohan refused to pay the fully salary, hence we demanded for full salary and it was not given. Again Mr. Mohan promised us that he will pay on July 15 th 2022. On July 15 th the owner instead of paying salary to all, informed that he will pay one by one from July 17 th.
We informed that unless our fully salary is given we will not come back for work and all the workers quit the job. Days were gone; Mr. Mohan refused to pay our salary. He was postponing the payment till now. We, the female labourers were sincere and committed to this therapy work, but they have not treated us properly. They were trying to beat and threaten us for our demands. Kindly help us to get our long delayed wages for the Month of June and till July 15 th 2022. The details are attached. Details of the Delayed Wages for the Month of June and till July 15 (45days) of the 10 Female Labourers who worked in Angel SPA
Yours truly,