Family Visit

Sr. Madhu and Mr. Deepak visited a family residing in Burmanagar to discuss their familial issues. Upon arrival, we met with the family members and initiated a conversation about their ongoing problems.

The family is headed by Sriram and his wife, Kusum. Sriram, a self-made man, purchased land in Burmanagar over 20 years ago and has since made it their home. The couple has three sons: Rajaram, Venkataram, and Balaram. Rajaram is employed in a pipe company, earning Rs.40,000 per month, while Venkatram and Balaram earn Rs.30,000 per month each, the former through his auto business and the latter at a two-wheeler sales company.

Currently, Sriram is grappling with heart disease and diabetes, and Kusum is also in poor health. Sriram’s condition prevents him from working, and despite their sons’ financial capabilities, they have shown a lack of support towards their parents. Sriram’s efforts to seek financial assistance from his sons for household maintenance and personal expenses have been repeatedly denied.

Driven to desperation, Sriram has taken legal action against his sons under the Senior Citizens and Maintenance Act. The aim is to secure financial support from them and, if necessary, evict them from his property.

After hearing their story, we offered counselling to the family and especially to the sons, emphasizing the importance of providing support to their parents. Following our discussion, the sons have agreed to help their parents, including renting out a room to generate additional income for household and personal expenses.

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