Alliances and Networking

DBMS strives to do its best for Inter and Intra state migrants and the unorganised workers by creating alliances and network with workers organization such as Bharat MazdoorSangh(BMS), Unorganised Workers Federation(UWF TN),National Alliance Peoples Movements(NAPM), National workers welfare trust, Hyderabad(NWW), National Domestic Workers Federation(TNDWM),PennurimaiIyyakkamand International Justice Mission (IJM), Actionaid, Tholamai, Jesuit Migrants Services(JMS),Magic Bus, DBYaR Forum, KISMAT, Daily wage labourer platform, and Migrants citizen initiative comprises of Advocates, Doctors, MSW Deppartment Professors and sttudents, Media persons, Press people, and Religious grops to bring more public attention to the problems faced by migrants and the unorganised