DBMS organised a labour welfare program at Arumbakkam construction sites under TNHB.

The event began at 2pm, in the event about 65 workers were  participated both male and female.  The programme started with  the event of small ice-breaking activities by IND brothers. Animations related to various events on Safety, First Aid demonstrations, Labour Laws and Registration were showed to the participants.

Labour Laws and registration was eloborated by Mr. Deepak. He explained the BOCW Act -1996 and Registration under tncwwb and the benefits of it. Interaction session recelas that neither they registered under ISM nor tncwwb. Awareness about registration is explained to the participants. The participants are ignorant of their basic rights and are exploited.

Later on Mr. Md. Elangovan disseminated about First aid and PPE. Explanation and Instructions  were given in the purpose and use of the FIRST AID. As we know that construction safety training is a mandatory training program for construction workers to ensure safety and well-being while performing their duties. The information will  help them in identifying accident trends and possible areas for improvement in the control of health and safety risks.

The next session is shared by Miss. Rajlaxmi   about the substance addiction,  effects of substance abuse and how to prevent  it. she added that Substance abuse can cause health issues and serious problems with family, friends, money.

She eloborated the dangers of substance addiction.

The programme winded with vote of thanks to TNHB, Triniva Department, participants and the resource persons with a photograph. The programme will bring positive change to the Labourers to improve their working conditions and social security.

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