Migrant children have no accesss to primary education in the work sites. Children from 0-14 migrate together with their families to the destination work sites. No possibility of sending migrant children to schools, since the parents are involved in construction work within and also procedural systems which never allow a child to go out and come in from the worksites for the school daily.Migrant children have no schooling in the destinated states since there is no school nearby in their own mother tongue.Migration is seasonal, we could see children dropping out from the mainstream schools to move to the worksites. Children in the construction sites, are exposed to number of threats like accidents, sexual abuses, loneliness, etc. With the help of SSA(SarvaShikshaAbiyan), Child Care Learning centres are initiated in the construction sites, brick kilns, and in factory sites.

*draft action plan for rehabilitation of children of migrant labour